
As part of our commitment to the people of Lincolnshire, we strive to meet certain outcomes.

Hate Crime

A crime motivated by racial, sexual, religious, or other prejudice, typically involving violence.

In 2017/18, there were 94,098 offences in England and Wales recorded by the police where hate crime was deemed to be a motivating factor. Unfortunately, the number of unreported hate crimes likely exceeds this number. If you feel you have been subject to a hate crime, do not be afraid to speak out, report the incident by completing our reporting form or alternatively, get in touch with one of Lincolnshire’s Access Centres.

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Ambassadors & Forums

Our network of Ambassadors are really important to us, they help us to promote equality and fairness throughout the county.

  • They act as the point of contact, advice or support on equality issues within their own communities.
  • They are trained to identify hate crime and can help people through the reporting process.
  • They help to pass this knowledge on to other people within their groups.
  • They also feedback to us any issues which are identified to ensure that JUST Lincolnshire’s work is developed and shaped by the people it represents.

Please contact us to contribute and make a difference

Events, News & Stories

Visit our blog for information about our events, latest news and stories. Alternatively, find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Learning Centres & Young Ambassadors

JUST Lincolnshire has worked with 50 learning centres across the county to date and has the Ambassador Programme embedded in 7 with many more learning centres awaiting training.

We are committed to training young people who are passionate about equality to become Young Ambassadors/Equality Champions within their learning environment.

Here are a couple of schools we have worked with:

Boston West School

Join the ambassador program

William Alvey Primary School

Attend Equality Workshops

Young Ambassador Programme

Join the programme

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