
Compelling evidence exists (Equal Opportunities Commission) that gender significantly impacts on aspiration, achievement and earnings throughout the lives of men and women; despite over 30 years of legislation, institutional behaviour and practice can still disadvantage one sex over another.

Our work on gender (whether male, female or any type of transgendered identity) will be based on thoroughly understanding the practice, culture and behaviours within our member and partner organisations and the wider society that can adversely affect either gender.

JUST Lincolnshire will influence our partner agencies and members to address under-representation of men and women in certain services and professions, disparity in representation at senior management and leadership levels, and certain policy and working practices that do not positively recognise the difference in men and women’s social, community and professional roles. As with other equality and diversity strands, our work will be focused on the infrastructure of voluntary and community groups, using national and local research to support partners in delivery and working with gender equality organisations, employees and service users. The websites below include organisations for the benefit of both sexes and details of organisations combatting domestic violence against men and women.

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