
This page provides direction to up to date equality and human rights related legislation and websites which provide legal advice on Equality & Human Rights matters JUST Lincolnshire is an advisory organisation, but its staff are not legally qualified and we do not employ solicitors.


JUST Lincolnshire will signpost enquiries of a legal nature to legal experts better qualified to deal with such matters.

Interactive Social Law Website

Members of the Community Care team at Garden Court Chambers have launched a new interactive website on Social Welfare Law covering adult care, children, incapacity, education, welfare benefits, migrants, equality, health care, mental health, housing and international law, all from a community care/social welfare law perspective. Access to the site is by free subscription.

For more information visit the Social Welfare Law Website

Community Legal Advice

The Community Legal Advice website provides a wealth of advice connected to Equality and Human Rights issues including Employment Rights, Human Rights Act, Asylum, Equal Opportunities, Racial Discrimination, Rights for Disabled People, Immigration and Nationality, Domestic Violence, Abuse and Harassment with information available in braille, audio and other languages

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Equality Act 2010 – draft guidance re definition of disability

The Equality Act 2010, draft guidance on definition of disability.

Human Rights Act 1998

The Human Rights Act 1998 gives further legal effect in the UK to the fundamental rights and freedoms contained in the European Convention on Human Rights. These rights not only impact matters of life and death, they also affect the rights you have in your everyday life: what you can say and do, your beliefs, your right to a fair trial and other similar basic entitlements.

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Equality Act 2010 Starter Kit

The EHRC has put all the essential resources and training modules in one place to help employers and service providers get started with the Equality Act 2010. Check out the EHRC website link

Civil Partnerships Act 2004

Provides legal recognition and parity of treatment for same-sex couples and married couples, including employment benefits and pension rights. Access the Civil Partnerships Act 2004 at the website of the Office of Public Sector Information.

Guidance on dealing with people with Learning Disabilities and Difficulties

New guidelines issued by the Department of Health, on working with offenders with learning disabilities.

GEO Quick Start Guide on Public Sector Duties

The GEO has published a quick start guide (issued Oct 2011) covering the specific equality duties required of public sector bodies.

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Charity Commission guidance on

The Charity Commission, the independent regulator for charities in England and Wales, has published detailed guidance for charity trustees about a key section of the Equality Act that may have implications for them. (Issued August 2011)

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Latest Public Sector Duties Equality Act Guidance 2011

The EHRC have published revised guides (issued December 2011) for public authorities on the new public sector equality duty, which come into force on 6th April 2011. The guides are for public authorities in England and for bodies with non-devolved functions in Scotland and Wales. The guides provide an overview of the equality duty, including the general equality duty, the specific duties and who they apply to. They cover what public authorities should do to meet the duty. This includes steps that are legally required, as well as recommended actions.

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IDEA website

This useful web link page provides a round-up of all current equality and diversity legislation that public bodies must be aware of, plus external links to the full legal texts.

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Rights of Women

Rights of Women. Useful website highlighting legislation relating to women

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Detention Centre Rules 2001

There will soon be an UK Border Agency Immigration Detention Centre facility at MHP Morton Hall near Lincoln. The Detention Centre Rules 2001 is the legislation governing the regime at Immigration Detention Centres. It is designed to ensure the secure but humane accommodation of detained persons in a relaxed regime with as much freedom of movement and association as possible, consistent with maintaining a safe and secure environment, and to encourage and assist detained persons to make the most productive use of their time, whilst respecting in particular their dignity and the right to individual expression.

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RIPA (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act)is the law governing the use of covert techniques by public authorities. It requires that when public authorities – such as the police or government departments – need to use covert techniques to obtain private information about someone, they do it in a way that is necessary, proportionate, and compatible with human rights.

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