Transgender & Non-Binary People
There is no accurate data on the number of people who are transgender and/or have a non-binary gender in Lincolnshire, reflecting a national problem with accurate statistical analysis.
However research in 2012 by the Equality and Human Rights Commission showed that 1% of the population had gone through some part of a gender reassignment process.
In Lincolnshire this is over 10,000 people. JUST Lincolnshire will work with partner agencies to make sure that they can deliver on their responsibility to ensure that service provision, employment practices and policy making does not disadvantage trans or non-binary people and that we develop members of the community to become community leaders and to support employers and service providers in tackling unfair treatment, harassment or discrimination on the grounds of gender identity. JUST Lincolnshire will work with representatives from the trans and non-binary community in Lincolnshire to ensure appropriate consideration is given to it’s needs with regard to service provision, policy making and employment matters by our partners, member organisations and wider community.
Lincolnshire Trans and Non-Binary Support
Lincolnshire Trans and Non-Binary Support is an online support group for any trans women, trans men or non-binary people in Lincolnshire who are in any way transitioning, considering transitioning or have transitioned. It is a “secret” facebook group which means that any facebook friends will not know you are a member unless they are also a member. To join send a message to Lincolnshire Trans Facebook Page.
UK Trans Info
UK Trans Info is a voluntary organisation focused on improving the lives of binary trans people and non-binary people in the UK. Their website contains resources from around the UK which give you access to the information you need about legal issues, healthcare, employment rights and other topics. They can also provide advice and guidance either through their facebook group or by email. Check out their website and facebook group for more details.
Lincolnshire NHS LGBT+Patient User Group
The Lincolnshire NHS LGBT+ Patient User Group is an independent group made up of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, as well as other members of the LGBT+ community. They also welcome to their meetings carers, family and friends of the LGBT+ community, professionals from local health and social care organisations, as well as other interested people. The group aims to improve NHS services in Lincolnshire for the entire LGBT+ community. You can get involved as much or as little as you like or are able to. members of the group may get involved in some of the following ways:
Helping them make local NHS services more LGBT+ friendly.
Letting them know how local NHS services, practices and procedures could be improved for the LGBT community.
Looking at NHS communication materials and working with them to improve them.
Getting involved in health promotion events aimed at the Local LGBT+ people.
Being a member may involve answering questionnaires and reviewing documents sent to you by email, participating in our virtual group or private facebook group, or attending face-to-face meetings or health promotion events. You can choose how much or how little you want to be involved.
If you are interested in joining the group or want more information, please contact Rachel Higgins at: [email protected].