JUST Lincolnshire held our second Courageous Conversation on 8th September 2020. The conversation was exploring the impact on the criminal justice system of recent global and local events. The conversation was extremely insightful and impactful with plenty for attendees to take away with them. ​

There was a great sense of the positive impact all sectors, working together, could have on the criminal justice system especially around education.

There was recognition that the Criminal Justice System should operate in a way that is “humane, transparent and fair”, “People being treated fairly is paramount”. Alongside this there was a realistic view on the challenge facing the Criminal Justice System as it makes this journey.

“Health and education sectors should be more plugged into the system, how do we connect and have better working solutions”.

“Complex mixture of agencies involved”


Additional points raised included


  • How do we create equality inclusion across the county?


  • How do create a more genuine society, where people feel included?


Takeaway’s and actions included:


  • Be the change you want to see-volunteer or get involved


  • The little bit you can do can make a huge difference


  • Let’s talk-reflecting the community we serve


  • Accept change takes time but we have to work towards action


  • The importance of education in its wider sense in these conversations has been highlighted in the previous conversation and seems to be becoming an emerging theme.


  • The link to the recording of the conversation can be found here.
  • There were  questions posed that there wasn’t time to address during the conversation: –
  • We are trying to add “active bystander”( http://www.activebystander.co.uk/) to our diversity and inclusion packages across HMPPS as this is a gap identified in our current provision.  Do the other panel members have knowledge of the training offered around D and I and specifically this topic in their organisations?


There is a Nottingham based social enterprise called Communities Inc that regularly deliver hate crime bystander intervention training. http://communitiesinc.org.uk/.




These are really good resources from Holocaust Centre, aimed at young people but I think could easily be inc in adult training following on from yesterdays conversation


  • Hate crime reporting in Lincolnshire statistically over the years has increased, which is great as it shows, better awareness, yet the prosecutions have dropped according to cps reports. Why is this and what training is received by the officers to understand that the offence is based on perception of the victim, unlike other criminal offences that the police deal with?


  • How important is it that organisations adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s Definition of Antisemitism?


  • How do you handle racism in Schools? What is the Police policy? Why should racist school kids get away with bullying other kids in school when they would be reported to the police for race crime if it happened in the workplace?


We had a wide-ranging panel, and are extremely grateful for the participation of panel members: Our Panel:

Kerrin Wilson                Assistant Chief Constable, Lincolnshire Police and national police lead for leadership & progression under the race, religion & belief portfolio

Marc Jones                  Lincolnshire Police & Crime Commissioner

Grace Moronfolu        Chair National Black Crown Prosecution Association (NBCPA) & East Midlands CPS

Paul Yates                   Governor HMP Lincoln





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