JUST Lincolnshire is delighted to have been invited by Lincoln Christs Hospital School to take part in the ROTA programme in March 2019. ROTA 2019 in Lincoln is the last of three annual meetings of Year 12 students and staff from five schools (one each from Belgium, Germany, Holland, Spain and the UK) on the topic of “Less is More – the Smart City”. On this website will appear the plans for these week long conferences as well as the results of our deliberations. In time it will build up into our vision of a future Smart City, where the inhabitants will be able to live in harmony with each other, with the rest of the world and with the environment. This will be a sustainable life where the limited resources of the world are used sparingly and for the benefit of all.
JUST Lincolnshire will be facilitating workshops exploring stigma and discrimination and the importance of challenging this in a vision of a future, smart city.