Kim Ansell

Kim Ansell


Meet Kim. Kim is a Quality Assurance Officer with Lincolnshire County Council and began volunteering with JL in 2015, going on to complete our Ambassador course.

Why did you get involved with JUST Lincolnshire?

Whilst at University I wanted to get involved with a local charity and contribute to my community. JUST Lincolnshire’s vision was one that I shared.

JUST Lincolnshire has identified 5 C’s that summarise so much of the work that they do.

Celebrate – differences, cultures and diversity.

Challenge – discrimination and prejudice.

Champion – minority communities, their rights and their opinions.

Change – work with local organisations and businesses to effect positive change.

Collaborate – with communities and stakeholders to create a fairer, more inclusive Lincolnshire.

These resonated with me and I wanted to show my support and join them on their journey.

What does the Ambassador Programme consist of?

The programme explores various topics from discrimination to unconscious bias. Though we were all from different backgrounds we shared similar values, and I felt that it was a safe place for us all to discuss our understanding of various topics and to share our own thoughts and opinions without fear of criticism. It provides training in recognising and challenging discrimination. It increased my knowledge and understanding as well as showing me how I can make a difference in my community, giving me the skills and confidence to go on to do it

How has the programme affected your daily life?

The course reinforced my values of equality and diversity, by highlighting real life situations and victims such as Stephen Lawrence and Sophie Lancaster.

Meeting people of all ages and backgrounds helped me to appreciate different perspectives on various topics, then working together to find ways to tackle hate crimes and being shown where to turn for support gave me the knowledge and power required to start making a difference.

Knowing there are individuals and organisations within Lincolnshire who share my condemnation of discrimination and social injustice reinforces my resolve to stand up to the prejudice and speak out against it.

I went from being a person who was looking for voluntary work as a student to develop myself, to wanting to contribute to my new local community and visibly make a difference to those around me, especially those who were perhaps more vulnerable.

At work it has also helped me to maintain an open mind and discourse with others, ensuring that I am a constant advocate for individuals needs, both colleagues and customers.


Why should others take part in the Ambassador course?

The empowerment and excitement I felt following the course really spurred me forward to want to make a change in my community.

The insight and passion that the JUST Lincolnshire team shared with us during the training is unlike anything I’ve experienced in similar equality, diversity and inclusion training events.

I believe this training and the work that JUST Lincolnshire do can positively change so many lives in our community. For me to feel as though I can be even a small part of that as an Ambassador gives me immense pride.

To become an Ambassador, or for more info on how we can work with your business and engage with your employees to enhance your business culture and attitudes and promote inclusion, contact our office on [email protected] .

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