We celebrated 10 years (well a little over )8/2/2021

I can’t believe that JUST Lincolnshire has celebrated it’s tenth anniversary…… Where does the time go? I certainly can’t believe that we would have been celebrating this anniversary during a pandemic!

This has provided an ideal opportunity to look back on what JUST Lincolnshire has accomplished, where we are, and our plans and aspirations for the future.

I am so glad that so many of you were able to join us for our ‘virtual’ celebration on Wednesday 3rd February and for those of you who couldn’t please check out the recording and this article.

It became clear to me when preparing for the celebration that what JUST Lincolnshire has identified as the 5 C’s are a thread that runs through so much of our work, these being:

  • Celebrate
  • Challenge
  • Champion
  • Change
  • Collaborate.

It is also clear that we could not have achieved what we have without the fabulous support of our partners and ambassadors, thank you so much for your ongoing commitment.

We look forward to the future with renewed vigour and a commitment towards making Lincolnshire a fairer place to live, work and visit

A little different this year in how we have all had to adapt how we celebrate, albeit virtually, we are grateful we were able to see all the faces all on one screen.

The presentation we shared gave a little insight into the impact we have had in a positive way in the county of Lincolnshire.

You can watch the Celebration event here: //vimeo.com/508425148

From the Alchemy project which was a series of events in 2012:

Life | Work | Love – A New Start in Boston – Alchemy Project – YouTube

It’s Not Fair – Alchemy Project Children’s Animation – Bing video

Music for Sophie:


Freedom trail 2016:


Wes describes the “Freedom trail” as a introduction to human rights, with the charter of the forest: which talks about  justice, equality and inclusion a legacy has been built that we benefit from today.

Young ambassadors/Ambassadors and Safe centres:

Ambassador-Programme-Flyer.pdf (justlincolnshire.org.uk)

A way to tackle discrimination in schools

Engage with young people, learning centres and schools.

Celebrating, challenging, collaborating, changing and champion

Eight stories of strength


Building a stronger Britain: Building a Stronger Britain Together – JUST Lincolnshire

Pride 2018: beautiful and bright celebration

Sexual Orientation – JUST Lincolnshire

Safe centres: Access Centres – JUST Lincolnshire

Stephen Lawrence foundation day: truth in justice

“A learning event you couldn’t bottle” Mandy said

Educative event

Truth in Justice


Staying safe group meetings-responding to a identified need

Identify gaps and respond to meet the need and concerns

COVID-19 effects, responses and resources page

Courageous conversation: https://linktr.ee/JustLincolnshire

Generate space for conversation: education, criminal justice, health, third sector, art and culture, Business

Call to action:

Give a thought what stood out to you? What’s your call action? Or what did you learn? Or what next Courageous conversation would you like us to host? [email protected]

Identified themes that came up from these-sports and race, etc…disability and the disparities

What’s new and how have we adapted?

  • As a team  we are meeting daily,  and making new contacts of mutual gain.
  • We have been looking at new and different ways to work with schools.
  • We are in the process of finalising a primary school resource
  • Looking at new and exciting ways of working.

Developing and recognising opportunities as we go along will continue to change as we go along.

We are consistently looking at different ways to get the message out there for all to engage.

The world has recognised the huge inequalities during this pandemic, and we continue to work towards being a sound board. The #CourageousConversations captures a small part of what we have done towards addressing those inequalities.

The Courageous conversation series :

Criminal justice system: https://vimeo.com/457222040

Third Sector: https://vimeo.com/456543991

Education: https://vimeo.com/469104781

Business: https://vimeo.com/475784062

Health: https://vimeo.com/489761587

Arts and Culture https://vimeo.com/500803339

Current challenges : IT in prisons, to  be able engage with our learning centres









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