Events, News and Updates
Black British History in celebration of #BHM2020 Black History Month 2020-Frank Arthur Bailey
London's first post-war black firefighter Frank Bailey. Frank Arthur Bailey came to London from Guyana in 1953 and as a political activist he joined West Indian Standing Conference. He later attended a TUC conference and heard from a Fire Brigades Union (FBU) delegate...
Black British History in celebration of #BHM2020 Black History Month 2020-George Arthur Roberts BEM
One of the first black firefighters to serve with London Fire Brigade has been commemorated with a plaque unveiled at his former station. George Arthur Roberts BEM (1890-1970) served at New Cross Fire Station for the duration of the Second World War and was awarded a...
Black British History in celebration of #BHM2020 Black History Month 2020-Sislin Fay Allen
Sislin Fay Allen was an inspiration for many when she became the Metropolitan Police’s first black female police officer, based at Croydon in the late 1960s. In 1968, Sislin Fay Allen, a nurse at Croydon’s Queens Hospital, became Britain’s first Black...
Anne’s Story
This is Anne on the left during one of our Ambassador Training Days Anne contributes a lot of her experience and time to supporting JUST Lincolnshire, as a volunteer Ambassador. This is how it is for Anne. We are all guilty sometimes of not looking beyond what we...
COVID-19 effects, responses and resources
Collaboration is key to how we work at Just Lincolnshire Clover leaf advocacy is a charity that are working on keeping people connected: Message to us from Peggy from Clover leaf: I am Peggy O’Neill Cox from Cloverleaf We are a registered Charity...
What is Hate crime?( VIDEO)
Courageous Conversation-Third sector video
Video Link here:
Courageous conversation-Criminal Justice video
Courageous conversation-Criminal Justice video
Courageous conversation-Criminal Justice Blog
JUST Lincolnshire held our second Courageous Conversation on 8th September 2020. The conversation was exploring the impact on the criminal justice system of recent global and local events. The conversation was extremely insightful and...
Upcoming events with links to register and submit questions
Health Sept 24th To register for this event please click here: To submit questions please submit here: Education October 14th To register for this event please click here:...
The next #CourageousConversations “The impact on the health system”
Greetings, The murder of George Floyd and the subsequent global, national, and local demonstrations of support have prompted a conversation between JUST Lincolnshire and Voluntary Centre Services about how we can address inequalities connected with ethnicity...
Courageous conversations-Third sector blog
JUST Lincolnshire held our first Courageous Conversation on 27th August, and it was held in conjunction with Voluntary Centre Service. The conversation was exploring the impact on the Third Sector on recent global and local events. The conversation was extremely...
Courageous conversations in Turbulent times previous event links
Introduction in the series of "Courageous conversations" The first in the series "The impact of recent events on third sector" During Lockdown and the easing of the Lockdown we have had two...
The Introduction to Just Lincolnshire “Courageous Conversations” and upcoming events Upcoming events: Courageous Conversations in Turbulent Times Since March 2020, Lincolnshire, along with the rest of the United Kingdom has entered unprecedented and disorientating times as we all seek to adjust to a ‘new normal’ during a...
Courageous conversations in Turbulent times
Courageous Conversations in Turbulent Times Since March 2020, Lincolnshire, along with the rest of the United Kingdom has entered unprecedented and disorientating times as we all seek to adjust to a ‘new normal’ during a time of global pandemic. During this time stark...
Lincolnshire routes for people with limited mobility
As we are all aware Covid19 and the effects of lock down on the disabled, elderly and carers may be long lasting. The value of access to the countryside for everyone helps their health and wellbeing. This is even more important for the disabled, elderly and carers. In...
It’s Just Not Cricket
If there is one sport that totally captivates me and I am truly passionate about it is cricket. And to have had so much of the season taken away by Covid-19 has been frustrating; however, cricket pales into insignificance compared to the deaths we have seen over the...
Easy News: Black Lives Matter
Easy News is the first news magazine designed to be accessible for people with learning disabilities. The latest issue is all about Black Lives Matter. You can find the link here
LPFT – Carers Newsletter
Please follow this link to the latest Carers Newsletter from LPFT Carers newsletter edition 4
Parent’s guide Black Lives Matter
Parent's guide to black lives matter
JUST Lincolnshire position statement in response to #BlackLivesMatter
Position statement (002)
The Lincolnshire Secure Unit spent a week looking at the story of Stephen Lawrence and his tragic murder.
During April the young people at The Lincolnshire Secure Unit spent a week looking at the story of Stephen Lawrence and his tragic murder. To mark the Stephen Lawrence Memorial Day one of the young people wrote this poem. Lincolnshire Secure Unit work with JUST...
Being a Safe Centre during a time of Covid-19
March Newsletter
Marching through March into International women's day focus this years focus is #Equalforall we shared stories of Just Lincolnshire Women their triumphs, Trials and overcoming victories.
We celebrate you JUST Lincolnshire Volunteers
Covid 19 Report
Earlier this week Public Health England published a much awaited COVID-19: review of disparities in risks and outcomes report. A link to the full report can be found here . Does the report tell us what many already knew? Probably. Could the report have gone...
June Diversity Calendar
SLDAY in Collaboration with JUST Lincolnshire
The links below will take you to resources that are available to use in you living your best life through expression in word, art, drama and through open conversation with peers, colleagues and friends. Be-the-next-poetry-sensation ChallengeAccepted...
April Newsletter 2020
May Diversity Calendar
Welcome May 2020
April Calendar
March 2020 Calendar
Marching into March.
Stephen Lawrence Day celebration To find our how you can get involved by clicking on the link. Very useful resources on the Stephen Lawrence website. There are a few of our "Learning centres, Safe/access centres and Ambassadors" that will be...
Ambassadors you are invited to a PREVENT workshop this will be rescheduled in the near future.
February News letter
January News letter Track Your Stats With Our Mobile App
Just Lincolnshire seek new treasurer
JUST Lincolnshire is a countywide charity that aims to make a real difference to the lives of people from all backgrounds. We do this by championing equality, tackling discrimination and celebrating the richly diverse makeup of Lincolnshire. We want to create a place...
February News letter 2020
See our latest news letter.
February 2020 Calendar
Diversity Calendar
Here is what's happening this month
Exciting new opportunity
Interested in how an organisation develops its five-year strategy? Keen to have a unique insight into all aspects of an organisation, working closely with the Chief Executive? Then this is the role for you. JUST Lincolnshire is at the beginning of exciting strategic...
Stephen Lawrence – Truth in Justice
On May 8th, JUST Lincolnshire hosted the Truth in Justice event to commemorate Stephen Lawrence memorial day. De Aston school and BGU put together very powerful pieces of forum drama and the day itself was inspiring and sobering. For an overview of the day please take...
Truth in Justice – Scene four
Please do take the time to view this powerful piece of forum drama produced by students at De Aston School especially for JUST Lincolnshire's truth in Justice event
Truth in Justice – Scene Three
Please do take the time to view this piece of forum drama created by De Aston School specifically for JUST Lincolnshire's Truth in Justice event
Truth in Justice – Scene Two
Please do take time to view this piece of forum drama produced by De Aston School specifically for JUST Lincolnshire's Truth in Justice event
Truth in Justice – Scene one
Please take time to view this wonderful piece of forum drama produced by students at De Aston School especially for JUST Lincolnshire's Truth in Justice event
JUST Lincolnshire AGM
EHRC – Is Britain Fairer
The Equality and Human Rights Commission have published their triennial report on the state of the nation with regard to fairness. This makes for interesting and informed reading and if you want to be up-to-date with the latest information from reliable sources...
Truth in Justice Event
JUST Lincolnshire have joined with partner organisations, Lincolnshire Police, CPS, Victim Support and the Police and Crime Commissioners Office to put together an event to mark the inaugural annual Stephen Lawrence Day 2019. Our event is being held on Wednesday...
Schools Ambassadors Programme
JUST Lincolnshire has worked with 61 learning centres in Lincolnshire over the past 5 years to raise awareness of discrimination and Hate Crime and to recruit young ambassadors who will pass on the message to their peers in the school. These Centres have included...